Setting Up Your Own NFT Hydroponic System

16may 2023
There are a few drawbacks to the NFT method that need to be addressed. For example the nutrients necessary for the plants can cause damage to the submersion pump.

The NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) used to be commonly used among commercial and smaller scale hobbyist or amateur hydroponic growers. In recent years, its use among commercial growers has decreased primarily because there are now new hydroponic methods that are more suitable for large-scale farming.

NFT is still used by amateur hydroponists. It’s not that expensive, it’s very easy to use, and it can be easily adapted to suit many different plant types. upcoming nft

The NFT is one kind of solution culture in hydroponics. Solution culture hydroponics involves the growing of plants without growth medium and without soil. Many hydroponics growers believe that solution cultures are the only true form of hydroponics. They say that when growers add solid growth mediums, they are adding nutrients to the plants in the same way soil does. NFT, on the other hand treats plants with only nutrient solutions that are prepared by growers and then delivered to their root systems via water.

NFT Hydroponics Systems generate a constant flow of water at the root systems of plants suspended in a tub. The slow moving water solution is spread out across a flat surface at a depth of approximately 1 to 3 inches. This shallow solution depth is constantly maintained to create a nutrient film over the plant roots.

You will need to use a shallow tub with a flat bottom and a submersion-pump that will ensure the water flows over the roots of the plants. The plants should be placed close together in order to enable the nutrients to more readily cling to the roots. The submersion pump will constantly recycle the water back into the system. You will have to monitor the levels of nutrients in the water because it is constantly being recycled.

There are a few drawbacks to the NFT method that need to be addressed. For example the nutrients necessary for the plants can cause damage to the submersion pump. If the submersion pump fails, or if there is an electrical failure, your plants will not be getting the nutrients they need to survive. nft project Your plants can be destroyed by a short interruption in the pump.

Nevertheless the NFT Hydroponic System remains a viable method of hydroponic gardening for small scale and indoor gardeners. Hydroponic gardening is almost risk-free and productive if you closely monitor the pump and nutrient solutions.

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