Backing tracks to make your show more professional

19apr 2023
What to do when you encounter technical issues is an important consideration. You must have a plan B. You must know your show.

Backing tracks are not just for karaoke performers, but also for other performing artists. This information will help you take your band to the next stage if you're in one. backing tracks Especially if you're performing in some sort of tribute act or cover band.


Since years, I have been singing and playing with various rock bands. The majority of the time, my performances are well received by audiences. Up until not too long ago I would be inclined to pick songs that we performed based on how accurately we could represent that song from a stage. That is, could we cover all the required parts that make a song a hit and do it justice. Sometimes a song will require keyboards so crucial to the song, that it would be impossible to do without them. We couldn't do it justice. So, rather than ruin the song we would put it on the shelf as a song we wished we could do. I did not see the point in hiring a keyboardist to only play in 20% at most of the songs, so it was more sensible to skip the song.


In time, I joined a group that used backing tracks for complex backing vocals as well as piano parts. I realized how valuable these tracks were to performers. That meant that the very difficult backing vocals could be spot on every time and the back up singers could sing easier lines when playing live, giving the back ups a lot of depth. The music was also greatly improved. The average audience member doesn't really pick up on a band using tracks. All they realize is this band sounds far better than the band last week but don't really know why. The answer is in the tracks. The lead singer can harmonize to his own voice more easily than someone else can do it so he should be the one getting recorded. Be careful not to put in too much though or you risk the show becoming a karaoke act.


What to do when you encounter technical issues is an important consideration. You must have a plan B. You must know your show. I've been onstage and had the monitor system fail and not been able to hear the backing tracks and had to rely on the drummer keeping proper time. He should be able at least to keep the beat if he uses the tracks. The click comes from a track with a click on one side, and the song on the other. New backing tracks Using a small mixer on stage he can send the music the main mixing console and nobody in the audience will hear the click track.


You can give your performance a competitive edge by using backing tracks. This will help you stand out from other bands on your circuit or in your area. I'll always use them and I am happy about it because I can now perform all the songs I had put aside in years past.

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