Dog Lung Cancer – Can Dogs With Lung Cancer Survive?

13apr 2023
Lung cancer in dogs is common in middle-aged and older animals. This type of cancer may be primary or secondary

Lung cancer in dogs is common in middle-aged and older animals. This type of cancer may be primary or secondary. Primary lung cancer arises from tissues of the lung and airways, and tends to be a single, discrete mass. Secondary cancers can spread from other tumors. runderlong hond Malignant cells from bone cancer and mammary cancer can move through the lymphatic system and cause multiple small tumors throughout the lungs. The majority of tumors that are found in the lungs of dogs are secondary tumors.

25% of cases of dog lung cancer are asymptomatic; that means that the affected dog is showing no sign that there is a problem with their lungs. Their tumor shows up on a chest x-ray when they are being examined for an unrelated condition. A diagnosis of lung cancer comes as a terrible shock to their owner.

Smokers may pose a greater risk to dogs who live with them.


Dogs with lung cancer in dogs can develop symptoms such as a cough or difficulty breathing. They are also less able to exercise, and become short of breath sooner than usual. As the cancer progresses, patients may lose weight and ingest their food.

X-rays of the chest of an affected dog will reveal either one single mass on one part of the lung, or a grainy appearance to all areas of their chest. It may be possible to insert a needle into the tumor and collect a sample of the cancer cells. Another method is to pass a bronchoscope into the airways and take a biopsy. Or, inject sterile fluid into a windpipe, sucking out some cells, kattenbrokken and then hopefully collect them. These cells can be examined under a microscope to identify the type of tumor, and the likely prognosis.


Survival after treatment for primary lung cancer is on average 12 months. Dogs with no symptoms, a small tumor or no evidence of cancer spread to their lymph nodes have a slightly better outlook. In these cases, dogs can have many cancer-free years, but many of these animals eventually develop more tumors in other parts of their lung.

Unless your dog needs a chest x-ray for some other reason, you’re not likely to pick up dog lung cancer unless they are showing symptoms of the disease. Early diagnosis is better than late so if your dog has difficulty breathing or is having a cough, get them to the veterinarian immediately.

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