How to help your dog if he is afraid of fireworks

14mar 2023
Before you reach for the doggy Xanax, try implementing some or all of these options for your firework-phobic dog.

Before you reach for the doggy Xanax, try implementing some or all of these options for your firework-phobic dog.

1. Exercise. It’s always the first place to start. Make sure your dog is totally pooped by the time the sky starts lighting up. You can take your dog for a long run or walk, then have some fun and structured play. training, and you will have a dog that is satisfyingly tired – physically and mentally. Dogs that are tired have less energy to be anxious or fearful. vuurwerkgeluiden hond

2. Block visual cues. Dogs are highly sensitive to visual stimulation. We can help them calm down by taking away that trigger element. Keep your dog safe from fireworks if she is afraid. If your dog is comfortable and happy in her kennel, this would be a great place for her at this time. Dogs often feel more secure in small enclosures when they are scared. If you are unable to block visual stimuli, a calming cap might be an option.

3. Desensitization. This is by far the best remedy for a fearful dog, and will also be the most permanent, but it does take time and persistence. Your dog will be able to overcome fearful reactions to fireworks or other auditory stimuli by becoming less anxious. Essentially, this involves creating a positive mental association to the sound. hoe lang kan een hond alleen zijn

4. Sound Therapy. Check out the CD “Through A Dog’s Ears”, which has been designed specifically for the purpose of calming dogs in stressful situations. This would be great to play during a fireworks show or a thunderstorm. Just be sure to turn the cue on first, meaning create an active association in the dog’s mind. Play the music well before the scary event has begun. I would suggest playing it for 20-30 minutes per day a few days before the holiday when your dog is calm and relaxed. Pet her and give her treats and calm affection during each session so that she associates the music with a calm and peaceful state of mind.

5. Mind Games. Keeping your dog mentally active (i.e. Thinking instead of reacting can help with anxiety and fear. She just needs something else to focus on other than her panic! Leave smart toys or stuffed kongs for her to play with. You can leave treats for her to find if she runs the house or just one room.

6. Calming Aids. There are many natural calming aids available on the market that have proven effective at reducing stress and anxiety in dogs. There are many options for natural calming aids, including DAP (Dog appeasing Pheramone), herbal calming chews and melatonin. Talk to your vet about the best option for your dog.

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