QuoteG, the New Garage Quotes App for Car Owners in the UK

16apr 2020
QuoteG is a Garage Quotes App designed to help car owners with stress free car repair quotes from local garages and mechanics.

QuoteG is the new garage quotes app created exclusively for the car owners. Think of it as a car insurance app where customers looking for a particular insurance provide the details and the app fetches quotes from all the nearest service providers. QuoteG offers similar features for users who are looking for car repairs, servicing, maintenance and the like. Customers can compare the quotes and choose the one that best suits their needs and budget.

QuoteG also has a free business directory and forum. New business users who sign up with the app can get up to 12 months free service subject to availability. After successfully signing up with the App, businesses can reply to the quote requests that have been generated from QuoteG app users and attract the local people with special offers. The app is now available for download on Android and Apple devices. Once the app is up and running, users can add their cars and post new quote requests. Right from finding spare parts for their vehicles to getting help with their DIY car work, users can benefit a lot from this app.

To download the app visit https://garagequotes.app/

About https://garagequotes.app/
QuoteG is a Garage Quotes App designed to help car owners with stress free car repair quotes from local garages and mechanics. Garage owners and businesses too can sign up with the app to reply to the quotes and promote their services for free.

Media Contact

Mr. Riaz Firfirey – QuoteG
Phone: 07867660552
Email: Info@GarageQuotes.app
Website: https://garagequotes.app

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