Houston locksmith shares burglary report with local community
Houston has had a spike in burglaries. In response to the recent rise in residential and commercial burglaries a popular locksmith in Houston has shared a report that they have put together. The companies owner said that the report has been put together to assist consumers in making more educated decision when hiring locksmith services.
There has been a huge jump in residential and commercial burglaries in Houston. Businesses and homes are bigger targets than ever. Criminals are looking for every potential vulnerability in order to support themselves.
Local media came together to hear what the owner of 713 Locksmith had to say about the report that they have put together. “We have put this report together with data that we have compiled about our customer base. Our Houston locksmith company has made an important discovery while looking through the statistics.” The owner said.
Over the course of the business the company has kept records about everything. They kept records to track trends. And they kept records so that they would be able to make inventory choices when purchasing locks and other related locksmith equipment.
“We kept records of the parts ordered, locks purchased and purchase orders for other security devices. We know what the customer wants. And therefore we are prepared for anything in the Houston area.” The owner said.
The company keeps on hand thousands of locks for homes and businesses. This way they are prepared for what the community needs. They can handle even the biggest of locksmith emergencies.
“When the customer calls we are fully prepared to handle their situation. We have locksmith vans that contain all of the latest in locksmith equipment, parts and tools. Our techs are skilled and friendly. In our report that we have placed on our website consumers will learn about how they can secure their properties. This report covers data related to which locks performed the best and which security features latest longest. So, come on over to our website!” The owner concluded.
For all those that are interested in their locksmith services consumers are directed to their website. The website is listed below. The report is on the website and is available for immediate download.
About 713 Locksmith:
713 Locksmith is a locally owned and operated locksmith business in Houston. They provide a wide range of highly specialized locksmith services to the area. Interested people can contact them using the information below.
For Media Contact:
Company: 713 Locksmith
Phone: (713) 955-1009
Email: dispatch@713locksmith.com
Website: http://713locksmith.com
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